JavaDoc building process

Couple of worlds about javadoc building process if you suddenly want to make plain javadoc from source. All javadoc stuff is concentrated in the ROOT/build/core/ Find javadoc call in it and change options set so that to exclude droiddoc custom doclet, i.e. from

javadoc \
    -J-Xmx768m \
    -J-Djava.library.path=$(HOST_OUT_SHARED_LIBRARIES) \
    -quiet \
    -doclet DroidDoc \
    -docletpath $(PRIVATE_DOCLETPATH) \
    -templatedir $(PRIVATE_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_DIR) \
    -templatedir $(PRIVATE_TEMPLATE_DIR) \
    $(addprefix -classpath ,$(PRIVATE_CLASSPATH)) \
    -sourcepath $(PRIVATE_SOURCE_PATH)$(addprefix :,$(PRIVATE_CLASSPATH)) \
    -d $(PRIVATE_OUT_DIR) \

to something like this

javadoc \
    -J-Xmx768m \
    -J-Djava.library.path=$(HOST_OUT_SHARED_LIBRARIES) \
    -overview ~/mydroid/frameworks/base/core/java/overview.html \
    -splitindex \
    -use \
    -package \
    $(addprefix -classpath ,$(PRIVATE_CLASSPATH)) \
    -sourcepath $(PRIVATE_SOURCE_PATH)$(addprefix :,$(PRIVATE_CLASSPATH)) \
    -d $(PRIVATE_OUT_DIR) \

and run Android building. The such javadoc execution ends with 6938 warnings. They include unknown tags, errors and mistakes in source comments and droiddoc doclet orientation issues. The especial attention is need to turn to the @hide tag which standard doclet can’t interpret and which hides non-SDK source and thus this code shouldn’t be used in applications. My conclusion is the standard doclet must be extended to support all Android source features and to get valuable documentation.